1 Week later

OK so a week later and so far the comments arnt full of 'this is crap' so thank you very much for that.  I know that some people will have tried it out and gone, this isnt for me.  Fair Enough.  This is really a nostalgia trip anyway, and I'll admit to not being the best designer so menus, gameplay, screen layout and design is NOT my thing.

However I have done a whole bunch of work.  In the background the graphics for the walls have been tweaked to be smaller file sizes, and the map now casts out to the 3rd tile when outdoors so you can see further.  Getting the side walls of a square that was 3 away and 2 over was pretty tricky, getting it too look about right was quite hard.

Thrown weapons are now usable, as is an equipment change during combat (in case you run out of thrown weapons for example)

Run Away is also now working - pretty good chance at the moe (75% success modified a little by level of you vs your foe)

The map for Flaming Mansion is in place just needs to be populated with monsters.  But really I want to start playing with Shaders now to make smoke and fire effects on the screen rather than just using a semi transparent rectangle to make everything go dark.  Which I guess means that I need to implement lights.  And then probably day/night.  And should probably highlight in the group list positive/negative effects, and, and, and.

Plenty to Do - Fun times

* Small Update - Added a blur effect for Smokey, and added the first stab at lighting (cellar will be darker unless casting Radiant Glow - Still need to add torches, lanterns)


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